Generally, the forward loading return vane could achieve higher total pressure recovery coefficient and much more uniform discharge flow than the backward loading return vane. 负荷分布形式对回流器流动结构和性能影响较大,前加载的负荷分布形式能够得到更好的性能。
The flow coefficient of inlet is 0.83, the overall pressure recovery coefficient is 0.78, with a Mach number 2.01 and a compression ratio of 11.92; 进气道流量系数为0.83,出口总压恢复0.78,马赫数2.01,增压比11.92;
Changes of sidewall sweep angle and cowl position can influence inlet performance such as mass capture, total pressure recovery coefficient and uniformity of isolator exit flow field. 侧板后掠角大小和整流罩位置变化时,对进气道的质量捕获、总压恢复系数和隔离段出口流场的均匀性等都有一定的影响。
This research also indicates that the theoretical expression for recovery coefficient of non-saturated suspended load transport during river degradation is obtained by assuming no limitation on the rate, so that the theoretical value is much larger than the empirical value. 分析结果同时表明,悬移质冲刷不平衡输沙恢复饱和系数的理论值是在不考虑沙波运动对河床内部泥沙暴露到河床表面的速度的制约条件下得到,使得理论值大于经验统计值。
The increase of lobe diffusion angle results in the increase of velocity circulation at the lobe exit section, but it raises the mixing loss and lowers the pressure recovery coefficient. 扩张角的增加可提高速度环量,但是流动混合损失增加,总压恢复系数减小。
The ceneral expression for recovery coefficient 力学碰撞中恢复系数的一般表达式
The article deduces the general expression for the recovery coefficient in solution of dynamic collision, based on on-dimension face-to-face collision and law of particle momentum conservation. It serves to understand the nature of recovery coefficient and to provide theoretic supports for solving relevant problems. 从一维正碰着手,应用质点动量定律,推导出力学碰撞问题中恢复系数的一般表达式,为我们正确理解恢复系数,解决与此相关的问题提供理论支持。
Study on Accuracy of Mining Reserves and Recovery Coefficient Calculating for Top-Coal Caving Mining 放顶煤开采采出量与采出率计算精度的探讨
These parameters and coefficients have been analyzed, including calculating time interval, the rotation speed of the starter off, experiential coefficient of combustion total pressure recovery coefficient, the environment temperature and pressure, the airport attitude. 还分析了计算过程中对起动过程有比较大影响的因素,包括计算时间步长,起动机脱开转速,燃烧室总压恢复系数的经验系数,大气温度、压力以及海拔高度等。
Based on the measured wall static pressure, experimental data were interpreted using one-dimensional theoretical model combustion efficiency and total pressure recovery coefficient were obtained. 根据试验测得的壁面静压分布,采用一维简化模型处理与分析数据,得出了不同试验条件下的燃烧效率与总压恢复系数;
Control valve recovery coefficient varies with the type. For a specific valve, it depends on the opening degree, also differ from the manufacturers. 不同形式控制阀的压力恢复系数FL值不同,同一控制阀在不同开度时的FL值也不同,各制造厂同形式控制阀的FL值亦略有不同。
The recovery coefficient and the full width at half maximum of the hot lesion were measured. 由图像热灶的恢复系数及半高宽分析部分容积效应。
The inlet is the important factor for designing the ramjet, which directly affects the total pressure recovery coefficient σ and the flow coefficient φ of the ramjet. 进气道是冲压发动机设计中非常重要的环节,其入口设计会直接影响冲压发动机的总压恢复系数σ和流量系数φ等重要性能。
The theoretical expression of saturation recovery coefficient under the strong equilibrium and nonequilibrium has been obtained. 建立了恢复饱和系数的表达式,包括了强平衡输沙和不平衡输沙两种情况。
During the process of modeling, questions caused by shortness of exact component characteristics and correct data of some stations, such as pressure recovery coefficient and extracted power, were solved. 并且,在建模的过程中,对由于缺乏准确的部件特性和一些截面上的正确的参数,如压力恢复系数,抽功量等所带来的问题提出相应的解决方法。
Based on the present method to calculate the recovery reserves and recovery coefficient of top coal caving mining, an error estimation model was derived. 针对现行放顶煤开采采出量及采出率确定方法,推导出了其计算值的误差估计模型;
Numerical Investigation of Total-Pressure Recovery Coefficient of Cascade in Unsteady Environment 非定常环境中叶栅总压恢复系数的数值研究
The optimized geometry is used in the real exhaust hood with the last three stages turbine. At the THA work condition, the total pressure loss coefficient is reduced by 0.1 and the pressure recovery coefficient is improved is by 0.1. 将模型排汽系统的优化结果应用于带有末三级叶片的真实排汽系统,结果表明排汽系统优化后在THA工况下,总压损失系数减少0.1,静压恢复系数提高0.1。
Small pillar technology to protect mine roadway becomes one of the important technical ways to enhancement mining area recovery coefficient by unceasingly development and consummation. 小煤柱护巷技术经过不断地发展与完善,已成为矿井提高采区采出率的重要技术途径之一。
The membrane recovery coefficient reached to 96% after hydraulic cleaning, and the flux could be recovered to nearly 100% just by brushing. 膜污染后经水力清洗通量可恢复96%,刷子刷洗后通量几乎可恢复至100%。
Three-dimension geometry size, shape characteristics and mechanical parameters of the rice grain such as density, friction coefficient and recovery coefficient were measured; as a result, a 3-D rice grain model was established. 实验测量了水稻籽粒的三维几何尺寸、形状特征以及密度、摩擦系数和恢复系数等力学参数,建立了三维模型。
Paste filling under village is a new technology of green mining which protects the surface, improves recovery coefficient and realizes none-village-relocation. It is an effective way to alleviate burdens on domestic coal resource and achieve sustainable development. 村庄下膏体充填采煤是保护地表、提高采出率、实现不迁村采煤的绿色采矿新技术,是缓解我国煤炭资源紧张的形势、实现可持续发展的有效途径。
For the inlet with smaller degree of sidewall shade, the overflow sidewall installed on both sides of the top wall can make both the flow coefficient and the total pressure recovery coefficient increased, while improving the sideslip performance significantly. 对于侧板遮挡度小的进气道,在顶板两侧安装溢流挡板在增加进气道流量系数以及总压恢复系数的同时,侧滑性能也能得到明显改善。
Secondly, the estimate of national oil shale in 2006 adopted the weighted factors on recovery coefficient to analyze miscellaneous effects on the estimates qualitatively and semi-quantitatively. 其次,2006年的国内油页岩资源评价采用了可采系数的权重取值法,半定性半定量地分析了多种因素对油页岩资源的影响。
Through optimization calculation, the total pressure recovery coefficient increases by 0.8 percent, and the circumferential distortion coefficient reduces by 30 percent. 通过优化设计,进气道总压恢复系数增加了0.8%,总压畸变指数降低了约30%,提高了进气道出口流场品质。
The results reveal that total pressure recovery coefficient of the combustor declines and outlet average temperature rises gradually with ascent of rotating speed, as well as combustion efficiency. 结果表明,随着发动机转速上升,燃烧室总压恢复系数呈下降趋势,而出口平均温度逐步上升,燃烧效率也随之升高。